General Education

(248) 370-4264

Graduation Requirements

Refer to the online catalog for specific general education requirements and approved courses that fulfill the requirements. Talk to your academic adviser about your degree plan to make sure you're also fulfilling your major-specific degree requirements. 

Transfer Students

Transfer students should refer to the information and transfer student forms on the Registrar's website to see how courses taken at other colleges or universities can count toward general education requirements. Students interested in transferring to Oakland University should complete a transfer course review form.

Petition of Exception

In rare cases, a student may run into an exceptional circumstance that does not neatly fit into the general education requirements. For any exceptions to general education policies, you must meet with your adviser to complete a Petition of Exception. You will need to include a clear rationale and all necessary supporting documentation. The petition must be submitted by an authorized professional academic adviser at OU. To contact your adviser, go to the Academic Advising site.

Petitions for graduating seniors should be submitted at least one semester prior to graduation to ensure timely evaluation and for the student to make adjustments to their schedule if necessary. To find out the status of a Petition of Exception, contact your adviser.

Approved CoursesSchedule of Classes